

2024年07月18日 9時41分


5月27日に無料教材へと変更いたしました「すぐに使えるビジネス英会話」の4つのコースの内、2つのコースをリニューアルいたしましたので、 お知らせいたします。



まるごと慣用表現(95レッスン) ⇒変更なし
コミュニケーションストラテジー(15レッスン) ⇒変更なし



新しくなった 「ニュアンス英会話」「英語ミーティングの達人」コースは、S-TEA Companyという外資系紅茶メーカーに勤める8人の登場人物たちが、実際のビジネスのシーンでの会話を繰り広げる物語形式のテキストになっています。




1プレゼン資料が完成しないWhy don’t you…?
Maybe you should….
I think you should… 
It would be better if…
2飲みの誘い Why don’t we…?
Shall we…?
How about…?
I was wondering if you would like to…
Maybe we should…
3紅茶の新商品紹介Why don’t you…?
I think you should…
I recommend that you…
If I were you, I would be doing…
Have you ever thought about…?
4手伝いを断るNo, it’s alright.
Thanks, but I just…
I appreciate it, but I…
That’s not necessary.
Oh, don’t bother.
5急な出社要請Is it possible for you to…?
Could you…?
Would it be possible for you to…?
If it’s not too much trouble, could you…?
Would you mind ~ing…?
6サーバーダウンの問い合わせExcuse me. Do you by any chance know…?
Do you have any idea why…?
Can you tell me what…?
I’d like to know why…
Could you tell me how to get to…?
7シフト変更の打診I’d like to…if that’s okay with you.
Do you mind if I…?
Do you think I could…?
Would it be possible for me to…? 
8ライバル会社の取引先買収I’m afraid that’s out of the question.
I’m afraid you can’t…
No, I’m afraid not.
I’d like to say yes, but..
Absolutely not.
9ボスに了承を得るAll right, as long as you…
All right, but only if you promise to…
Sure, but only if you…
Yes, I can, but I’ll need time…
Sure, as long as…
10定例会にてHow do you feel about…?
How should we…? 
Does anybody have any comments on that?
11あの人にご挨拶I’m sure…
I think that…
In my opinion, …
It seems to me that…
I may be wrong, but I think…
12働きすぎの同僚が心配I agree with you completely.
That’s exactly how I feel.
Exactly! That’s what I’ve been thinking all this time.
Yes, that’s a good idea.
You can say that again!
13増員したいが・・That’s partly true, but…
I agree with you up to a certain point, but…
I see your point, but…
You have a good point, but I don’t think…
That may be true, but…
14新入社員がピンチ!?I totally disagree.
That’s out of the question.
That’s ridiculous.
Really? That’s not how I see it. I think…
I don’t think so.
15人事異動を知りたいI’d rather not say anything…
I’m sorry, but I can’t answer that.
I’d have to think about it.
I’m sorry, but I don’t know enough about… to be of much help.
16社風が気になるI’m really in no position to talk about that.
I don’t know. 
I don’t care.
I don’t have any strong feelings about…
17昇進に応募したいI think you’re mistaking me for someone else.
I don’t think you’re old enough to…
In fact…
The matter of the fact is…
I don’t mean to argue with you, but I think…
I’m certain…
I have no doubt that…
There’s no doubt about it.
19パーティー会場が使えないIs it possible to…?
Is there any possibility of ~ing?
Is there any chance…?
What are the chances of ~ing?
How likely is it…?
It’s possible.
There’s a good possibility that…
There’s a good chance that…
There’s a 90 percent chance that…
21失注の報告I’m sorry.
Sorry about that.
I apologize.
I’m sorry that…
I apologize for saying that.
22同僚への苦情 We have a problem.
I hate… 
I’m not really pleased with…
Can you do something about…?
23優秀社員賞 You look great.
You did very well.
Congratulations on your promotion!
Wow! That’s a nice…Where did you get it?
You did an excellent job.
24部下へのリマインドDon’t forget to…
Do you remember…?
Sorry to say this so many times, but can I ask you to remember to…?
Be sure to…
Just so that you won’t forget…
25数字の完成 You’re almost there! / Keep going!
Don’t give up.
Hang in there!
Keep up the good work!
You’re doing fine.
26通信の抜け道 Stop ~ing…
You can’t…
I don’t want you to… 
…is prohibited
I’ll definitely be there.
I promise.
Consider it done.
You can count on me.
28嘘はつかないでDo you promise to…?
Make me a promise, will you?
Is that a promise?
Do you give me your word on that?
Do you swear you won’t tell?
29上司から部下への気遣いOh wow, thanks!
Thanks a lot. That will help.
It was very nice of you to…
Thank you for your help. I couldn’t have…without you.
Oh, how can I ever thank you?
30情シスでの会話You’re welcome.
My pleasure.
Don’t mention it.
No need to thank me.
Not at all.
31復帰した同僚にIt’s been nice talking with you.
Great seeing you.
It was great seeing you today.
Thank you for everything today.
It was nice seeing you.
32予算会議の終わりNice talking with you, but I’d better get going.
Hey I’m sorry, I can’t talk any more, but I’ll see you…tomorrow, OK?
Well, I’ll stop bothering you now.
Then, I’ll let you go now.
Does anyone want to say something?
Well, if there’s nothing else, this will be all for today.


1会議が長かったHonestly speaking, … 
Frankly speaking ,…
To tell the truth, …
Metaphorically speaking, …
2展示会の部数の確定Generally speaking, … 
Strictly speaking, …
Metaphorically speaking, …
Between you and me, …
3リスキリング状況To my disappointment, … 
Unfortunately, …
To my surprise, …
Between you and me, …
4キャンペーンのアイデアWith respect to … 
With reference to …
From the point of view of…
In terms of …
Concerning …
5サイトがダウンI think the problem lies in … 
There is a problem with …
I realized what the problem is. That is,…
What is at issue here is that…
We have a big issue at hand. That is …
6勤怠の状況In addition to that,… 
What’s more, …
Most importantly, however,…
What I want to emphasize is that…
This is what we need to stress.
7会社スタート時の話To illustrate,
For example,
For instance,
Here is an example.
Let me give you some more details on that.
8グラフに注目くださいI’d like you to look at this graph showing… 
Let me show you a graph illustrating…
Let’s have a look at Table X on page X
Can you see the graph on this page?
Let me share this presentation data.
9競合の新商品We forecast … 
It is difficult to predict…
I’m expecting…
We anticipate that…
The weather forecast says that …
10システムが長年不具合I’d like to summarize the main point. 
In short, …
The point is…
What I’m getting at is…
Let me get to the point.
11展示会の誘いIt is unnecessary to…
It is absolutely necessary to …
It is more convenient to…
It is natural for X to…
It must be very embarrassing for X to…
12スマホの買い替えThis is why…
This is the main reason …
This is because of …
This is how …
This is the way …
13学生のデモAccording to…
X says that…
From what I heard from X, …
Going by what X says, …
Based on the information I got, …
We certainly …
It is probable that …
It is unlikely that …
It is possible that …
15事業クローズの危機Please let us think about this matter.
I need more time to think about this.
I find it difficult to come to a conclusion on this matter right away.
I can’t decide now. Would you give me some time to think it over?
Let’s discuss this again next time and come to a conclusion.
16契約の途中解約I’m afraid…
I’m sorry to say this, but…
It’s hard to say this, but…
I hate to bring this up, but…
I don’t know how to put this, but…
17採用面談I want to…
I’d like to…
I’m going to…
I’m willing to…
I feel like…
18PJの予算カットI doubt if…
I have doubts about…
I’m skeptical about…
I don’t believe that…
I don’t understand how…
19ハラスメントの対応Can I be frank with you?
To be frank with you,
Are you aware…
Why would you…
Why on Earth …
20新商品プロジェクトの中止As a result,…
As a consequence,…
21教授の話を聞くIf my hypothesis is correct, …
I’d like to make a hypothesis based on…
I want to formulate a hypothesis about…
Let me start with the hypothesis that,…
Hypothetically speaking,…
22新商品の評価As far as I’m concerned …
Personally, I think …
As for me,…
To be frank with you, I personally…
The way I see it is that…
23ccをうっかりしたAs I said before, …
As I told you, …
As I mentioned previously,…
Let me repeat what I said earlier.
I want to repeat the point I made a few minutes ago.
24教授による健康レクチャAs you know, …
As you may have noticed already,…
As you can see,…
Let me repeat what I said earlier.
As everyone knows,…
25販売先からの苦情Concerning the point you brought up,
I’d like to say something about what you have just said.
In addition to what you just said,…
May I add something to what you said?
If I might add a word,…
26新商品の味を決めるThe main aim is…
Our main objective is…
Our first priority should be…
The primary target is…
The initial concern is
27教授にインタビューlead to
result in·…
bring about…
is the reason for …
28突然の退社My conclusion is the following points.
We conclude that …
In conclusion, let me leave you with the thought that…
As it turns out…
To conclude,…
