Schedules for March 15 and 16 are already posted.
下記の通りスケジュールを変更させていただきます: (まだ暫定的なスケジュールですので、ご意見をお聞かせください)
平日 AM 6:00 - AM 8:00 (または PM 8:00 - PM 10:00)
週末 AM7:00 - PM12:00
それでは良い一日を! [Deepl Translation]
! Thank you for your continuous support !
For further questions please contact me through Skype.
My Skype Link: [ live:.cid.6f93e630a5aa9887 ]
July 6, 2023 [8:40 AM]
To my dear Student,
Hello! I'm Christine, also known as Keira.
Though I have done different types of administrative, legal, and altruistic works, I still do find learning and teaching languages as the most interesting work I've ever done.
From my journey, I've met different types of people and I have made a lot of friends.
And even though in this I work professionally, I cherish people even as my friends or as my family.
I like singing though I'm eclectic in music, my voice sounds well in Disney, Choir, and Lullaby songs.
I also like animals, especially the small ones such as hamsters, guinea pigs, puppies, and kittens.
I like teaching children definitely face to face but I also like teaching young and old people for I have also seen their beautiful souls. It's interesting.
I like spending time with people but I also like spending time by myself. It's kind of recharging for the energy I have spent.
I'm writing this to you so you would know even just a bit about me.
I write a lot and so these letters might change from time to time. (Who knows?)
I'm excited to meet and know you! Let's learn English together!