I usually open 1 week in advance.
If you have questions please feel free to contact me on SKYPE: live:.cid.94f0f16a3c1c8149
通常1週間前から受け付けています。 ご質問等ございましたらお気軽にSKYPE: live:.cid.94f0f16a3c1c8149 までご連絡ください。
Hi! My name is Riza Jane Mila. I am 30 years old and have a degree in Bachelor of Secondary Education with a major in English. I am a licensed professional teacher with 7 years of teaching experience in a private school. Aside from teaching, I also became a customer service representative for some BPO companies, where I was able to speak to American people and address their concerns.
I am the only daughter of my parents. I used to live with them in the beautiful coastal town of Zambales. I am kind, patient, and friendly. I like playing the ukulele and kalimba. I also like listening to music and watching K-dramas and Ghibli animations. I also loved cooking and baking. I have a dog named Bubbles. I'm not very fond of sports, but I like watching volleyball and basketball games.
I wanted to go to cold places like Japan and Korea in the winter season. I like to see snow, and I wanted to experience snow activities. I wanted to eat Japanese food.
I like speaking English and talking with foreign people. I can't wait to be your English tutor, and together, let's make English a fun and easy language. See you in my class soon!
こんにちは!私の名前はリザ・ジェーン・ミラです。私は 30 歳で、英語を専攻し中等教育の学士号を取得しています。私は、私立学校で 7 年間教えた経験を持つ、資格のあるプロの教師です。教える以外に、私はいくつかの BPO 会社の顧客サービス担当者にもなり、アメリカ人と話し、彼らの懸念に対処することができました。
– 日常英会話
– ビジネス英会話
– フリートーク
– 学校教科書準拠
– ニュースディスカッション
– 職業別英会話
– 英検®二次対策
10:00–13:00, 14:30–17:00, 21:00–22:30