News Discussion
EDITORIAL | Airlines Badly Hurt by Pandemic Must Have Public Support to Survive

Weekly News Digest
産経オンライン英会話 ニュースディスカッション教材
EDITORIAL | Airlines Badly Hurt by Pandemic Must Have Public Support to Survive

Japan’s airline companies, like those abroad, have suffered gravely because of the coronavirus pandemic. All Nippon Airways Holdings Inc. (ANAHD), owner of All Nippon Airways Co. (ANA), has projected the worst loss in the company’s history, based on consolidated financial statements for the business year through March 2021. Its rival flag carrier, Japan Airlines (JAL), is expected to register more than 200 billion yen ($1.935 billion USD) in net loss for the 2020 business year.

Of course, the two major airlines must first rebuild their management models to improve business efficiency. Both ANA and JAL have cost reduction plans and have been proceeding with steps such as temporary transfer of employees to other companies. They should also do their best to consolidate air routes, or abolish them when warranted.

However, there is yet no end in sight to the COVID-19 pandemic. Globally, airlines are facing severe business conditions, and some governments are extending support for their struggling carriers.

While Japanese airlines must take steps to help themselves, so too should the Japanese government consider strengthening its support for the domestic aviation industry from the standpoint of keeping Japan networked with the rest of the world.

As COVID-19 has continued to ravage the globe, all countries have placed restrictions on the movement of people across their borders, leading to a drastic drop in air passenger traffic, especially on international air routes. This in turn has seriously affected the airlines.

Based on consolidated financial statements, ANAHD is to post a net loss bottoming out at ¥510 billion JPY ($4.8 billion USD) for the current fiscal year. JAL will also post its greatest loss, up to ¥270 billion JPY ($2.61 billion USD).

We want to see the two flagship airlines do their utmost to turn around their operations by doing more to boost efficiency, in addition to the sale of surplus equipment.

Taking account of the dire situation, both ANA and JAL have temporarily dispatched hundreds of employees to assignments outside their parent company, while also slashing bonuses and salaries. The temporary transfer of employees to other companies is aimed at cutting costs while protecting employment. Careful consideration should be paid to the contents of the work assigned to the dispatched employees and the companies that take them in.

Even with these measures, it is still unclear whether the aviation industry will be able to ride out the strong global headwinds on its own. While domestic flight demand is recovering due to the government-funded “Go To” Travel campaign, international demand will clearly take some time to come back. That is why the governments of such countries as Germany and Thailand have already put in place high-powered governmental measures to support their airlines.

The Japanese government has taken some supportive steps, such as partial exemption of aircraft landing and parking fees, but more drastic measures are indispensable in the face of the prolonged COVID-19 crisis. To ramp up financial resilience, it is necessary for the government to consider a framework for the capital injection of public funds.

The COVID-19 pandemic has dealt a severe blow to domestic industries. Under the circumstances, the Japanese people deserve to understand the need for the use of public funds to keep the airlines afloat. The courtesy of a respectful explanation by the government will be a must.

Source: EDITORIAL | Airlines Badly Hurt by Pandemic Must Have Public Support to Survive
【主張】航空会社の苦境 公的な支援の強化を急げ

新型コロナウイルス感染拡大で航空会社が苦境に陥っている。ANAホールディングス(HD)は 来年3月期連結決算で過去最大の最終赤字を記録し、日本航空の赤字も2千億円を超える。

まずは徹底した効率化を通じて経営を立て直す努力が問われる。両社では社員を外部に出向させ るなどの経費削減を進めているが必要に応じて路線の廃止や集約化などにも取り組む必要がある。

ただ、世界的なコロナ禍の収束は見通せない状況にある。世界の航空会社は厳しい経営に直面し ており、各国政府が航空会社の支援に乗り出している。

日本も企業の自助努力を前提としつつ、世界を結ぶ航空ネットワークを維持する観点から、国内 航空に対する支援の強化を検討すべきである。

ANAHDの今期連結決算は、5100億円の最終赤字に転落する。日航も最大で2700億円 の赤字を計上する。新型コロナの世界的な感染拡大で各国が出入国を規制し、国際線を中心とした 旅客数の激減が大きく響いている。

このため、両社とも社員を数百人単位でグループ以外の企業に対して一時的に出向させたり、給 与やボーナスを引き下げたりする。余剰機材の売却などにも取り組むことにしており、全力で経営 効率化を進めてもらいたい。

外部企業に社員を出向させるのは、人件費の負担を軽減しながら、社員の雇用を維持することが 目的だ。出向先での業務内容を確認するなど、きめ細かい対応が求められよう。

それでも航空産業に対する世界的な逆風を自力で乗り切れるかは不透明だ。国内の航空需要は 「Go To トラベル」事業で回復傾向にあるものの、国際線の需要が回復するには時間がかか るとみておくべきだ。すでにドイツやタイなどでは航空会社に対して強力な政府支援を打ち出している。

日本でも空港着陸料や駐機料の一部免除などの支援策を講じているが、コロナ禍の長期化に備え て抜本的な対策が不可欠だ。財務基盤を強化するため、公的資金による資本注入の枠組みなども検 討する必要がある。

コロナ禍は国内産業に深刻な打撃を与えている。その中で航空会社を公的に支援するには、国民 の理解が重要だ。政府による丁寧な説明も欠かせない。

出典:【主張】航空会社の苦境 公的な支援の強化を急げ