Zombies have never been more popular. There are endless movies and TV shows. A zombie is a dead person who has risen again. They are supernatural creatures who only want one thing, to eat your brains. If a zombie bites you then you will also become a zombie, it’s like a virus.
Stories of zombies originated in several African countries. People believed that a dead person could be brought back using witchcraft and magic. One theory is that there is a special powder that can make people seem like they are dead but actually they are in a kind of coma. When they recover later, people think they have become zombies.
People love dressing up as zombies especially at Halloween, a popular festival celebrated on October 31st. For a zombie costume, you need some old ripped clothe sand fake blood. You need to shuffle along the street as if you are half dead and half alive. Some people have zombie parties. Zombies are not real but maybe in the future some strange virus could create a type of zombie. So make sure you are prepared for the zombie disaster.
Directions: First repeat after your tutor and then read aloud by yourself.
課題: 先生の後に続いてくり返した後、今度はひとりで発音してみましょう。
Directions: Read the questions aloud and answer them.
課題: 質問を声に出して読んだ後、答えてみましょう。