B2 Level 2 GCAT General
任意トピックについて議論する【Level 2】


General-B2 Lesson 26 – Lesson 51
日常英会話 中上級レッスン26-51


■ To initiate small talk and keep the conversation going.
■ To share your opinion and discuss a topic.
■ To read an article and discuss the topic.
■ This is based on the ability to read aloud with understandable pronunciation and intonation.

SECTION 1 (Limit: 5 minutes)


・Greet your tutor and make small talk for about 5 minutes. Try to remember what your tutor tells you.
・Now summarize what you learned about your tutor from the small talk.

SECTION 2 (Limit: 5 minutes)


・Your tutor will ask you some questions. Please answer them in detail.

SECTION 3 (Limit: 10 minutes)

※音読テスト問題は次ページ参照。 テスト概要の説明、日本語訳はありません。

・You will be given an article for the test. (You can prepare in advance for the test.)

1. Read the title out loud and explain what it means within 1 minute.
2. Read the article out loud. Your tutor will be checking your pronunciation.
3. Read and answer the questions given.
4. Your tutor will ask you some questions. Answer them, listen to your tutor's reply and respond accordingly.

Japan is a safe country

I think Japan is a pretty safe country. Most people go about their daily lives without any fear of terrorism or worry about being attacked by someone. The murder rate in Japan is among the lowest in the world. In fact, the most common crimes that happen in Japan involve: shoplifting, traffic accidents, fights, accidental activation of office alarms and insurance fraud. But even these crimes are low in number compared to that in other countries.

One surprising fact was that when Expo 2005 was held in Aichi, there were about 12 million visitors and only 4 reports of pickpocketing.

It is even relatively safe to walk at night and to travel on public transportation. There are usually a fair amount of people traveling up until the last train of the night.

This was something that I became so accustomed to that when I returned back to my own country for a brief business trip I thought nothing about leaving the hotel at 11:30 pm to look for a convenience store. I realized my mistake when I was about 3 blocks from the hotel. I panicked and immediately returned back to the hotel. The front desk staff were a bit concerned and after I explained my situation they were so helpful and got on the phone to room service to ask them to take my order even though service had stopped at 11:00 pm.

What makes this country so safe? I think a lot has to do with the typical characteristics of Japanese people which are to be polite and respectful to others. I wish that other countries would be more like this.

1. What is this article about?
2. Your tutor will ask you a question. Please listen carefully and give a detailed answer.
3. Your tutor will ask you a question. Please listen carefully and give a detailed answer.
4. Your tutor will ask you a question. Please listen carefully and give a detailed answer.


・Your tutor will give you advice within the remaining time.
・You will receive more detailed advice in the lesson review.